The Clackamas Print

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Hilton in jail

A 23-day stay at the “cross-bar hotel” is what billion-dollar princess Paris Hilton has earned herself from her most recent screw-up.

Earlier this month, the hotel heiress broke the terms of her probation by driving with a suspended license. Along with that, she is also dealing with an ongoing libel and slander suit against her from actress Zeta Graff.

There has been some relief in the fact that Hilton’s sentence was recently reduced from its original 45 days to just 23. But though it is an improvement, I believe it is still too harsh a punishment.

If it was being done to teach her a lesson, it would be completely different. However, in the current situation, I feel that the judge is just trying to make an example out of sweet Paris. I think the courts should just let it go, because a 23-day stay in lock-up for a star such as Hilton is nowhere near what everyone else would experience in jail. She will have her own cell, eat her own food and wear her own clothes.

All that is being taken away from her is her outside life, and no one can be sure that she will even have to stay for the entire 23 days – I am sure that she will get good-behavior brownie points.

The facts are simple: why should she be punished … if she is not really being punished?

by Jesse Dees
The Clackamas Print

May 23, 2007 - Posted by | Commentary, Volume 40 - Issue 21

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