The Clackamas Print

An independent, student-run newspaper since 1966

40 years and all that jazz

Music from a very enthusiastic marimba band — Chicamarimba — drifted across campus from the direction of the Niemeyer center last Saturday.

The center itself, all doors thrown open, hosted a large crowd of faculty, community members, families and the few scattered students. OUtside was an improvised stage where groups, such as Chicamarimba, serenaded visitors. Inside were readings, performances by the jazz band and the chamber ensemble. In Gregory Forum, the international stage took over with mini-drama performed by Spanish students and a puppet play put together by French students.

From noon until 5 p.m., the college celebrated its 40 years of existence.

“I thought it went wonderfully,” said Shelly Parini, dean of college advancement and foundation executive director.

 Parini was instrumental in organizing the event.

“Everyone rallied together to make it a really memorable day,” she said.

It was a day of food, art, music and memories.

People were ushered into the Osterman Theater later in the afternoon for the only formal timeslot of the party.

Former College President Dr. John Hakanson spoke about the beginning years of the college. One of the first ever CCC graduates shared what Clackamas gave to her. The Theatre Department performed a vignette from their upcoming production, Oklahoma!

Dean of humanities Bill Briare announced the winners of the community Art Mystery. The winners, a group dedicated to hunting treasure, decided to give their prize — a Dell laptop computer, a year’s tuition waiver, a $100 bookstore gift certificate and a basket of “goodies,” according to Briare — back to the college to award to a student as a scholarship.

“It was fun for me to put together,” said Briare about the Art Mystery. When asked if another art mystery is planned for the future, his only comment was: “Anything is possible.”

The event officially closed with everyone singing “Happy Birthday” to Clackamas Community College.

by Katie Wilson

May 23, 2007 Posted by | 40th anniversary, News, Volume 40 - Issue 21 | Leave a comment